Sunday, December 6, 2009

Instructions, How Do I.......

How can I learn this, let me count the ways! I know I use a lot of sayings, but when I try to complete my assignments, those sayings just pop into my head. I have so musch to say about instructions, my soapbox is going into bubble overload. For the learners already familiar with the techniques, especially technical, the instructions given may seem like enough. But for a "baby boomer" that finished an associates degree in 98', and did not go back to school until now----it just ain't so! Sure, there's enough information to get you to the starting gate, but what about when you hit the track with all the other runners, at a lost for directions?

I think some assignments require step by step demonstration, for those learners behind the time, but want so desperately to get on the "I know how" wagon. I think educators should make sure students have some demonstration in all phases of some assignments. How to get started, how to manuever and implement. This gives learner a practice field and a good headstart!


  1. I love all of your sayings Rosia! And I agree with your assessment of some "how-tos". Depending on the individual, this type of learning can be very effective. I think of art when thinking about this. If you gave me a blank piece of paper and a tray of water colors and told me to paint a portrait, I would be at a loss. But if you explained the process, it would be much more helpful. Some just "get it" and don't need that but for some, it is a much needed learning style.

  2. Rosia...keep em' coming!!! Everytime I read something you have written I know I'm going to find a chuckle in ther somewhere! I'm lov'in it!!

    I think those step-by-step road maps are a must even for those who may get it. There's nothing like having something to fall back on when the lines get gray (I'm one of those who likes to color inside the lines).
