Sunday, December 6, 2009

Instructions---How do I.........

How can I learn this, let me count the ways! I know I use a lot of sayings, but when I try to my assignments, those sayings just pop in my head. I have so much to say on instructions, my soapbox is going into overload with bubbles! For learners already familiar with techniques, especially technical, the instructions given may seem like enough. But, for a student that finish an associates degree back in 98' as a "baby boomer", it just ain't so! Sure, there is enough information to get you to the starting gate, but what about when you hit the track with all the other runners, at a lost for direction?

I think some assignments require complete demonstration, for those learners that are behind the times and really want to get on the "I know how" wagon. I think educators should make sure students have demonstration in all phases of the assignments. This gives the (turtle) learner some headstart, and a practice field


  1. Rosia, I have to say, you have truly embraced all the new stuff you have been introduced to - and there seems to be some really great people in the class to help you along the way!
    How do you suggest teachers address the generational difference in their classes? If a teacher teaches to the tech-savvy generation X or Y student, then he/she loses the baby boomer or the veteran... if he/she teaches to the baby boomer or the veteran, then he/she loses the generation X or Y student... Is this different for online versus in class teaching? We are having this "debate" in another cohort and it has been very interesting to say the least. Anyone can jump in...

  2. Hi Julie, yes I think I know which cohort..I almost wrote a book in response! LOL
    I am very lucky to have this class and to have gotten the support that has been given! I truly appreciate it. It is that support that has helped me to embrace the new learning. Now, to try to answer your question. I don't think a teacher should use separation. We are all in it to win it! Sometimes, you have a babyboomer, that can keep up with the generation X or Y, look at Deb---my hero :) I think a teacher should remain up-to-date, and teach the latest learning techniques. But keep in mind, that you will have some learners that needs a little bit more, in instructions and demonstration. I realize that time is of essence, so add more in-depth instructions to the course documents or create a step by step computer simulation, demonstrating some of the technical knew that was coming, didn't you! Yes, it is definitely different with online versus in class teaching! It's student-centered versus teacher-centered! ;)
