Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Variety is the spice of life, as diversity is the seasoning of learning!

A diverse system of instructors, are needed to guide an ever growing diverse student body, and in turn, meeds diversity in teaching styles and techniques. We have variety in practically every aspect of living. We vary in how we live, how we dress, how we talk, act, and think. There is variety in our preferences of colors, cars we drive, careers we choose, and friendships we develop. It's all about choice! And of course, our choices are going to be geared towards what we love, desire, and enjoy... our preferences. As humans, we tend to seek and hold onto what we consider to be good and beneficial to us. We give it our undivided attention and time...likewise in learning!

I think educators should create assignments for every learning style, so that students have the best environment to learn in. We as students and educators, differ in how we teach, take in, and interpret information. The differences are vital in determining how we approach learning, and those differences deserve recognition.

After researching and studying various learning style theories, I believe it is urgent that educators and students know and understand their learning style preference. This knowledge can be utilized by educators, in developing teaching strategies to accomodate all student learning preferences. It also creates an opportunity to introduce the students to other learning styles as well. The student's knowledge of their learning style is an eye-opener! It explains how they prefer to learn and why, what techniques work best for them, and an idea of techniques might not.

Knowing why you prefer to learn a certain way, presents a road map for understanding and completing assignments, and developing good study habits. Knowing your learning style preference is a positive first step. I feel that a positive attitude towards learning, leads to positive educational experiences.


  1. Jennifer Egri...
    Yes, learning my own learning style was a huge "eye opener". I never fully understood why I needed to sit at the front of class. Also, I was able to explain to my husband why this online course is costing us so much in paper and ink. As a visual learner I need that visual paper so I print everything out! It is very important to help our own students learn their learning styles so they can better adapt to gain the full learning experience.

  2. Rosia,

    You crack me up! I thought my anology with Project Runway was inspirational but I found myself laughing all the way through your "New Attitude." It's priceless!

    You can probably already tell I'm not very long winded in any of my reponses but I glad to know that they do cause some of you to take that occasional moment of pondering or enlightment!
